Monday, 31 March 2014

Next teams are drawn....

Alright dear friends and patient blog-visitors,

Thanks for all your messages, I got thrown for 2 months by some big life altering stuff. Nothing bad, just time and attention consuming.... but now I am back with a new random draw:

... the most consistent African team the last 4 years, with a good mix of talent and experience.

They will be follow shortly by the "North Korea" of this tournament:

Not the great 1998 team anymore, but still highly deserving of a World Cup spot.... and they are at least third place in terms of cuisine :D (unlike Cameroon, sorry Yussuf)

And finally everyone's favorite local punching bag:

The great scrap-pile of copious egos and selfish talent.

All of these this week folks! Promise! (grandma told me never to make promises online but what the hay)

Oh and if you are sitting there questioning the legitimacy of the random draw because the furniture is obviously different colour  look again its all genuine IKEA!

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